3-6 September, the Artsted Digital branch of the artist-to-collector marketplace was showcased for the first time ever at the ReA! Art Fair in Milan, Italy. As part of the company’s strategic development, the start-up company backed by Atomind group, is now venturing into the NFTs market, offering an unprecedented commitment to the curated content, much demanded by the non-fungible tokens space.
The founders say: “We have received overwhelming response from the fair visitors, both artists and collectors, who were fascinated with how technology simplifies and democratizes processes of art purchasing and digital property transfer, compared to its tangible counterpart. We are happy to have converted people into exploring the NFT and ownership of digital assets and to have encouraged artists to create digitally-native works using innovative tools provided by our new branch”.
This year Artsted is one of the main sponsors of the Italian fair dedicated to emerging visual artists, supporting the talents directly through the “Artsted Art Prize”, pioneering the award in cash for one distinguished artist – Vitaliia Fedorova, a visual artist and director based in Milan, Italy.
The selection committee for the prize was represented by a number of acclaimed critics, journalists and curators, who voted and selected Vitaliia to be awarded the prestigious prize.
- Irene Cassina (gallerist, co-founder of Cassina Projects),
- Marco Enrico Giacomelli (director, Artribune magazine)
- Chiara Nuzzi (curator, ICA Milano)
- Luca Zuccala (journalist, director at Artslife)
- Matteo Cremonesi (founder, Office project room)
The dedicated Artsted space featured a selection of Creators, all of whom are innovating within the digital Art Space, utilizing technology to realize their inspiration.
The common thread among the selected artists is Manifestation: how they use technology to manifest their inspiration, thus enabling it to be experienced and evaluated.
Another important theme Artsted explored was non-physical space as it pertains to digital art. The entire exhibit was supported by varying degrees of augmented reality, wherein the viewer could use either their phone or a VR headset (which will be provided on premise) to experience the various artworks.
Featured Creators: Bobby Klein, Lucas Souza, SPE Studio.
SPE Studio
SPE is a DAO and creative studio, concerned with the development of design related projects. SPE pulls from a number of different inspiration sources, including metaphysics, crystalline structures, blockchain and cryptocurrency etc., in order to create and facilitate dynamic projects that intersect multiple industries
About Artsted & Artsted.digital
Artsted.com is a global online art marketplace working on encouraging transparent and meaningful connections between artists and art collectors. Based on an innovative proprietary algorithm, Artsted strives to put a halt to confusion, price fixing and information asymmetries in the art market. As a result of this framework, the project positions itself in the niche of trusted market insight, which in turn brings the attention of a new generation of art collectors interested in affordable investment opportunities and looking to build future-proof collections that hold value.
Artsted’s mission is to nurture emerging creators’ careers, letting them operate as self-auditors as they make their way up the global art market – and help a new generation of art collectors make use of unprecedented tools that display transparent price analytics and market insights into the emerging creators’ work. Artsted’s focus on emerging artists is because the founders are convinced that the market disruption can only happen in a bottom-up movement, where a unified self-audit standard is set for all artists pursuing a professional career. It starts with creating a publicly available and comprehensive set of analytics connected to artwork evaluations. The system Artsted platform is using is based on non-transactional data analytics and charts connected to artists’ CV entries, processed using a proprietary algorithm. Once an artist joins the Artsted platform, they are immediately able to create a digital track record that later develops over time to reflect their career performance & progress. At the same time, this tool also benefits collectors, as they are provided with instant analytics and evaluations including real-time market updates.
In addition, the platform provides targeted advertisement to favour creators’ visibility and sales. The best part is that all these services are free for the artists. The company behind the project – a UK-based Artisfact ltd has been backed by a number of angel investors and venture capitalists, among which the Atomind Group.